Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I cannot lose cool with any pts

- thanked by pt's fmly
- noted by C the change in my personality
- me to the rescue for stone removal
- WOrked out in the morning despite being late

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

-washer repaired
- motor of the lawnmower repaired
-easy procedures all day long
- completed inbox

Saturday, February 19, 2011

being called a 'saint'
fellows trying to 'establish' association with one of their friends

Friday, February 18, 2011

- Hugo gave me a big hello from nowhere!
- Kids and fellows thanking me after their hands on!
- The smiles and wishes at the hands on course
- erbe rep!
- Raj at the awards dinner
- Got my ticket taken care of!
- Rollo tomaso remembered me from last year!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Other weekly accomplishment

- AMMA medical exam success
- Monster JAM
- Kassie' brush
- All forms filled for GC
- Phenomenal day yesterday, extremely busy but successful
- Salvaging a complication- scheduled procedure
- Got multiple L days throughout; caught it in time!
- Got an L day for next week!
- worked out for 45 minutes!
- Explained myself about the band to the rep
- Heard the PT say how good I was even though I was angry on the delay but managed appropriately
- "Should I get the dinner for you" and "you are a beast"
- 15 min advanced proc. How Rn were chipper after the pro
- Valentine's day greeting from PT
- How cool I was in the middle of an angry path in EUS
- AMMA saying how lucky she was to be where she is!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

-cleaning up inbox
- Getting ready to get an L day when there were none; L days in April - caught it and if G days can be L days woohooo

Monday, February 7, 2011

Today after a long day of covering P on an emergency with a full schedule managed to get an extra 0.6 . Nice feeling at the end of the day

Yesterday ar fell asleep.. almost next to me
4 stents in successfully...ahha after the last one went in

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

kids eating off my plate
All 3 bigs lying and getting drgged on the blanket
stone removed in 91 yo
RN thanking me for my patience!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Got my A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eating breakfast daily!
K's birthday cake!
SN at home
Humidifier working!
160 lbs!
HR monitor!
Aerobic 30 min!
JW's budesonide!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

busy busy day..
tough pap in div left wall- canned! granddaughter so so thankful!
thanks from B f for immediate help DU over phone.
thanks from Mari N for Diel D1 over phone
Ar cuddling in my arms when i woke up early.. wanted me to scratch!
Jeff L- ty C stent! "strong work"

Saturday, January 22, 2011

1.felling after benchpressing 180 lbs
2. At the end of the day after a busy day
3. K tries to sneak to drink soda
4. Kas jumping around when guests were leaving
5. Kai speaking on a normal tone
6. M smiling a beaming smile

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

NT's send off party- wonderful hugs all around..when I said how NT perhaps saved my life and altered it for the good ..great italian food! managed to find a great parking dwntown!

rpm plan for rental- a nice feeling all around of accomplishment

Thursday, January 13, 2011

- When I tackled the difficult case of BB and has semiresolution; the gratitude in his eyes
- Playing with Ka and getting him to talk and him feeling excited
- Messages on FB by AniP about his birthday party...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


- extra pump on the handshake from the lady who was happy with the procedure
- perky cheerful voice from the missus
- had a library card done in the cold cold weather
- Supremely easy advanced procedures
- Passed my boards!

Friday, January 7, 2011

had the skin lesion removed- i got it done within 1 week! nice! TJ helped. "he knows everything a bout c but not skin"

- i had the ERCP done in
- watching my son grow
- felt legs with extensions of 115 lbs

Thursday, January 6, 2011

jan 5th 2011

- went for an exercise with loved ones
- pushed myself to 180 lbs press which is more than what i weigh
- kids hover around me when I moved from couch to the dining table. Should eat at the table more often- less mess
- got the sympathy cards from various people
- called the vanguard people to arrange for roth ira ..whooohoooo